Sukhmani Sahib - English TRANSLITERATION (Inglés) Tapa blanda – 20 febrero 2015

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- Título del libro : Sukhmani Sahib - English TRANSLITERATION (Inglés) Tapa blanda – 20 febrero 2015 de God Almighty
- ISBN: 978-1508574118
- Nombre del archivo: sukhmani-sahib-english-transliteration-inglés-tapa-blanda-20-febrero-2015.pdf
- Fecha de publicación: 20 febrero 2015
- Nombre del archivo: 76 páginas pages
- Autor: God Almighty
Moyenne des commentaires client :3,5 de 5 estrellas estrellas de 5 de 6 Lectores
Nombre del archivo : sukhmani-sahib-english-transliteration-inglés-tapa-blanda-20-febrero-2015.pdf
La Tamaño del archivo : 21.59 MB
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Sukhmani Sahib - English TRANSLITERATION (Inglés) Tapa blanda – 20 febrero 2015 - Prayer is an essential part of Sikhism. As food nourishes and strengthens the body, prayer purifies the mind uplifts the soul. This prayer book is the divine manifestation of Waheguru Ji's grace. The English Language has only 5 vowels which makes it difficult to transliterate. Only by God's grace is this book possible. Not knowing Gurmukhi yet, should not be a hindrance to do prayers. It is aimed to assist all, especially the young and those who do not understand Gurmukhi yet, to do Sukhmani Sahib. As one starts doing the Holy prayer, one will be motivated to learn its meaning from a translated version. The final stage will lead one to learn Gurmukhi to get greater accuracy in the sounds. Everything in life is made of sound, and it is important to get the right sound to yield the desired frequency, and effect. Sukhmani Sahib, is known in English as "The Jewel of Peace" This prayer was compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji. This prayer eradicates worries, fear, anxiety and all negativity while bringing peace and joy to the one who reads, understands and practices it. It is divided into 24 Hymns with 8 Stanzas each, with each Hymn describing the ways to attain God and peace. Besides enjoying this composition, it is also a perfect gift to give anyone you know, for what greater gift than the gift of peace? There is no greater worship than remembering God, and this humble transliteration attempts to empower the reader to imbibe the practice of prayer into their life. By the Almighty's Grace, may doing Sukhmani Sahib bring peace and prosperity into your life.
Categorías : Sijismo, Libros en inglés, Libros en idiomas extranjeros
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